The attribute in the associated entity that serves as a foreign key, linking back to the partition key of the owning entity. This key is essential for maintaining the integrity of the "HasMany" relationship.
The property name on the source entity that holds or references the related entity or entities. This name is used within the source entity's class definition to access the related entity.
Note: This class is abstract and cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, it should be extended by specific relationship metadata classes that define concrete types of relationships.
The entity class that is the target of the relationship. This specifies the class of the entity on the "other side" of the relationship.
A literal string that explicitly defines the type of relationship as "HasMany". This classification helps the ORM to apply the correct logic for relationship handling.
to specifically handle "HasMany" relationship metadata within the ORM system.Param: item
An existing set of relationship metadata that should be applied to the newly created
instance. This parameter allows for the inheritance and augmentation of relationship properties.