Function IdAttribute

  • An optional decorator for marking class fields as the primary identifier (ID) within the context of a single-table design entity.

    By default, if no IdAttribute is specified on an entity, then a uuid is generated for each entity

    Use this decorator to specify the field you want to use as the id for each entity. For example, if you wanted a users email to be their id.

    This decorator registers the decorated field as the unique identifier for the entity, ensuring proper entity identity management within the ORM.

    IMPORTANT! - The ID field is a required field and must be a unique identifier for each entity instance. It cannot be applied to nullable attributes

    Type Parameters

    • T extends default

      The entity the decorator is applied to, extending DynaRecord.

    • K extends string

      The type of the field being marked as the ID.


    • _value: undefined

      This parameter is unused but required for compatibility with the class field decorator structure.

    • context: ClassFieldDecoratorContext<T, K>

      Provides metadata about the field being decorated, including its name and class.

    Returns (this: T, value: K) => K

    A class field decorator function that registers the decorated field as the entity's ID within the ORM metadata system.

    Usage example:

    class User extends TableClass {
    @StringAttribute({ alias: "Email" })
    public readonly email: string;

    Here, @IdAttribute decorates email of User as the primary identifier, ensuring it is registered and managed as the entity's unique key.