Function NullableForeignKeyAttribute

  • A decorator for annotating class fields as nullable foreign keys within the context of a single-table design entity. This decorator is specifically designed for attributes that represent nullable foreign keys, facilitating the representation and management of relationships between entities.

    IMPORTANT - For optimal type safety mark the class field property as optional

    The entity can belong to its associated entity has a HasOne or HasMany

    Type Parameters

    • T extends default

      The entity the decorator is applied to.


    Returns ((_value, context) => void)

    A class field decorator function that targets and initializes the class's prototype to register the field with the ORM's metadata system.

    Usage example:

    class User extends BaseEntity {
    @NullableForeignKeyAttribute({ alias: 'ProfileId' })
    public profileId?: NullableForeignKey; // Set to optional. Nullable foreign key to another entity (e.g., UserProfile)

    @BelongsTo(() => Profile, { foreignKey: "profileId" })
    public readonly profile?: Profile; // Set to optional because its linked via a NullableForeignKey

    Here, @NullableForeignKeyAttribute decorates profileId of User, indicating it as a nullable foreign key.

      • (_value, context): void
      • Parameters

        Returns void

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