Function NumberAttribute

  • A decorator for marking class fields as number attributes within the context of a single-table design entity

    Can be set to nullable via decorator props

    Type Parameters

    • T extends default

      The class type that the decorator is applied to, ensuring type safety and integration within specific class instances.

    • K extends number

      A type constraint extending number, ensuring that the decorator is only applied to class fields specifically intended to represent numbers.

    • P extends AttributeOptions


    • Optional props: P

      An AttributeOptions object providing configuration options for the attribute, such as its alias which allows the attribute to be referred to by an alternative name in the database context. The nullable property is also set to false by default.

    Returns ((_value, context) => void)

    A class field decorator function that operates within the class field's context. It configures the field as a number attribute and defines how it should be serialized and deserialized to/from DynamoDB.

    Usage example:

    class MyEntity extends MyTable {
    @NumberAttribute({ alias: 'MyField' })
    public myField: number;

    @NumberAttribute({ alias: 'MyNullableField', nullable: true })
    public myField?: number; // Set to Optional

    Here, @NumberAttribute decorates myField of MyEntity, marking it as an entity attribute with an alias 'MyField' for ORM purposes.

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